Islam Is Life

‘Islam ist das Leben’ is a feature article I wrote for kinki Magazine in Zurich, portraying Muslims from several countries living in different areas of Switzerland.

Unfortunately this was never translated, so this is only for German readers. My original title before proofreading which I think still fits better: FREMDE IN DER HEIMAT – STRANGERS AT HOME.

This was one of the most rewarding projects I was ever part of, leaving me with 9 pages that remind me of how important it is to listen to stories from all sides to get the full picture. I spent a few months interviewing, transcribing and pulling my hair out - and I still love the result. More than a decade later this is still a very current topic in Switzerland... and globally.

Turn to page 20 to start reading.

Magazine design by the kinki redaktion, photographs by Sandi Kozjek


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