THSB Podcast

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Marketing with integrity and the fight to break the consumerism cycle

Have you ever used a marketing or sales tactic that left you feeling a little (or very) slimy after the fact?

Alice Karolina definitely has. And in today’s episode, she shares what led her to take a stand against coercive, manipulative marketing tactics and create a new standard of marketing based on trust and honesty.



Today you’ll be hearing from Alice Karolina, the founder of

Alice shares a unique story of how she went from dropping out of design school in Switzerland to being exposed to massive levels of income inequality in Bolivia – and how that led her to create an organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of consumerism.

It’s a story of how she reached a breaking point with traditional marketing methods that lead us to compromise our integrity, honesty, and transparency for a sale, and instead decided to focus her energy on encouraging companies to work towards serving the world around us.

In other words, to help companies succeed by putting people first.

The Humans Strike Back is a Hotjar Podcast


On Surrender

