The Juicy Bits of Branding

Graphic playing with a repeat of the word Branding in many colours/sizes

Much of what's being said about branding misses the point entirely, is too complex, or frankly anxiety-inducing, and I'd like to change that.

I've been thinking about branding for as long as I can remember.

My mother taught communication at our local design college, so we were never not talking about it. Once I went to said college, I was hooked forever and eventually built my business around it.

Cliff notes of the last few decades:

The core of it hasn’t changed. But it is not usually talked about.

Everyone is trying so hard to find clarity, to get to the 'end result', we bypass the juicy bits.

The bits that could make all the difference.

🧬 Branding is intertwined with everything we do in our business. Every decision we make, client interaction, piece of content, our brand is right there.

🌱 Branding is incremental. Tiny alignments each day. A rebrand is just the final expression of weeks, months, years of micro-adjustments.

🫀 Branding works from the inside out. Every time we communicate, we give our audience a glimpse of who we are, what we stand for, and what we're creating.

🦖 Branding is evolutionary, not static. Just like our work evolves, our brand grows along with it: some things stay, some things go.

I'm sure it rings true at some level – after all, branding is communication, and communication is in everything.

No matter how weird or obvious this sounds, let's rest easy in the knowledge that we're not behind on anything or that we should have figured things out by now.

We're right in the middle of it.

And I promise to break down how to get to the juicy bits – in small steps, as is the nature of the beast.


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