Branding Is Wayfinding

Illustrated map with red numbers though no legend. YOU ARE HERE indicated with a blue dot

I was once a wayfinder. And it had nothing to do with life coaching.

A wayfinder creates the signage systems that lead us through airports, hospitals, malls, cities, even those trail markers with the little symbol telling us to pick up after our dogs.

If you've never had to think about signage, you're in luck. The ideal wayfinding system is the one no one notices. When a system does its job, it's invisible. If it doesn't, you're quickly rendered helpless and lost.

A wayfinder also makes maps.

One of the most important parts of a map is the little dot that says 'You Are Here'.

If you are in a new place, most likely slightly anxious, hoping for information that can help you get to where you're going; that little dot is crucial. You can have all the information about your destination, but unless you are clear on where you are right now, a map is useless.

Branding is just like wayfinding

You need to know who you're designing the system for, their habits, abilities, language, culture; the purpose of your system and where you're leading them; what information you're giving them at what time to fulfill the purpose; where and how you're providing the information to best make it understood.

Most importantly; you need to know where you are, because that is what connects you with your audience.

'You Are Here' is represented in your values, your stand, your mission, your beliefs. It not only gives you clarity, but it does the same for your people. They can trust you, know you, believe in you, align with you.

This seems obvious, but it is surprising how often that little dot on a map is neglected – when it is the key for a map to work.

Find out where you are first and all routes will become clear.

*This essay is part of a writing challenge, find more on my Typeshare gallery (accessible for screen readers)


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