Not In Our Lifetime

'not in our lifetime' black on yellow background cut off at the edges to signify not fitting into the container. Black TEM logo with yellow writing cut off in top right corner

One of our mottos at the ethical move is 'Not In Our Lifetime'.

Meaning that we will most likely not succeed in the conclusion of our mission while we are still alive to see it. The reason we might not, is because we are out to break consumerism. And that's a BIG mission.

But anything less won't do.

The way we see it, every global crisis can be linked back to the cycle of consumerism. So we have taken on the mission to break it.

But that takes time. We are a few small business owners going against everything we've been taught about how we market, buy, and sell. We have to make aware, educate, inspire action, be the example, and learn and unlearn and learn and unlearn, constantly.

We are 100% certain of the necessity of our work. And; we don't need to see its conclusion. Because it's much, much bigger than us.

I believe everyone that has an audience and motivation to 'be out there' has equal responsibility to use it for the common good. Every entrepreneur, business owner, executive, influencer, twitter star... has power, and therefore the opportunity to move things. Change things.

But it doesn't work if you're ultimately in it for yourself.

When we say 'not in our lifetime', it settles us. We are here to work, and we will do it until it is no longer needed — or we die.

This may sound dramatic, but anything less won't do.

So if you are a person with even a tiny sliver of power and you think you have a mission that serves everyone — not just you — imagine someone else fulfills on it first. How does that feel?

If it feels good, amazing. Tell me everything and I'll be right there with you.

If not, keep looking. We're counting on you.


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