By Hand

Drawing in grey pencil of a hand holding an Apple Pencil. A red, swirly line with red sparkles shoots out from the hand and flows over a line drawing of a brain (also in red), depicting the magical, alchemical process of creativity.

Make Something By Hand

This is a reminder to myself that anytime I get stuck creatively ..which is a LOT, btw.. I have to go make something with my hands. Get away from a keyboard or 'research' and just draw/write/play by hand.

I don’t know if there are studies on this (I am NOT going to research it), but I believe that different parts of the brain get activated when we use our hands.

It’s an underlying current that we don’t have access to any other way.

And don’t get stopped by thinking you’re not capable of making things by hand ..write your signature or the name of your firstborn or the fears about the thing you’re making.

Give the fears a colour, and let’er rip.

As long as it is analog.


Spilt Milk


Eagle Eyes