Sandra Tournemille

“Permission to really own the path I want to take”

“Talking out my ‘stuckness’ and answering your incredibly intuitive questions helped me dig deep into what was holding me back with my business. You shifted my perspective and gave me permission to really own the path that I want to take.

Your encouragement to explore parts of my identity was life changing and it gave me the confidence to really shift my focus and stop 'ruminating' on old patterns of worry and anxiety. I now feel safer in my identity and not so petrified to move forward - essentially you helped me feel ready and excited to embark on a new journey to discover how my identity can and will mesh with my business.

You show very high integrity, you are incredibly intuitive and always ask the most amazing questions. You showed a true interest in my wellbeing, my vision, values and my desires first and THEN focused on how a business might be built around this. In a world that is so focused on market research, target audiences and customer satisfaction, you start with the business owner and what feels right for them FIRST. This was a refreshing perspective and reminded me why I wanted to have a business in the first place!”

Photo of Sandra Tournemille

Behind the scenes

Sandra and I zoomed out completely to see which parts of her work were bringing her joy, and which parts had to be let go of or reframed. Sometimes, we need to name something to reclaim the power it has over us – especially when we are so deeply connected to our work.

I rejigged my Framework to match her process, which is a daily and weekly inquiry to grow her creative habit – which is now growing into a super cool product based business named ‘Mighty Sally’!


Doris Füllgrabe


Lynda Ruel Flynn