Liberatory Consciousness

The Framework for Liberatory Consciousness depicted as a cycle starting with Awareness > Analysis > Accountability > Action/Allyship, describing that going from Awareness to Action directly is NOT the way.

This graphic is based on Dr. Barbara J. Love's framework for developing a liberatory consciousness: Awareness > Analysis > Accountability > Action/Allyship. Please look up her work on her website I first learned it from Ericka Hines during a panel discussion.⁣⁣

This framework is how I'm learning to be thoughtful and intentional in my anti-racism work.⁣⁣

Before I learned this I went straight from Awareness to Action and caused harm.

I was missing the most important steps; the ones that create useful action in the right direction - and by the right person.⁣⁣

Now that I know to slow down, I have a tendency to get stuck in Analysis, which is why I use step 3, Accountability, to set up a structure such as a timeframe for my research and a clear outcome - as well as its original intention of asking what needs to happen and what my role is.⁣⁣

Action/Allyship then looks very specific and has the ability to cause further Awareness.

And the cycle continues.⁣⁣

This framework has been so powerful, I've adopted it not only for my anti-racism work, but also my personal and business development. I wanted to share my notes on this because you might also want a strategy to move forward consistently and with purpose.⁣

⁣There is a lot of oppression to deal with - enough to last a few lifetimes - let's not waste time going the wrong way and making a mess of things.⁣


Using My Voice


Ethical Marketing Day